Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Process of Preparing for London

   We leave for London in just over 2 weeks! My excitement has now turned into nervousness. Everything thing from what suitcase to bring to getting an outlet converter has been stressing me out. What do I pack in my carry on and what do I pack in my check in bag? How many nice outfits do I need? Can I wear nice dresses? What if it is raining or is windy then I probably should not wear a dress. Should I buy a new pair of shoes and try to break them in before I leave? What purse should I bring?

   These are some of the many questions I ask myself every day.  Dr. Tracy Nobiling has been very helpful in trying to prepare us for this adventure across the sea. She has filled us in on everything from pub culture to giving us a study abroad checklist. She has told us many stories from previous years, both good and bad, but mostly positives to try and calm our nervousness and to give us an idea about what to expect. Traveling with a small group of only 10 students will hopefully give us an advantage over larger groups and be a little less stressful.  
   It is sad to say that I have only picked out a suitcase and a backpack to bring. I did come to the conclusion that I will use my small backpack as a carry on and also as a means to keep by purse in. I have to keep in mind that my small backpack has to be less than 18x14x8. One of my many fears is buying too much stuff and I having no place to put it. I need to realize that I have to leave room in both my suitcase and my carry on plus maintain a 51 pound or lower weight for my suitcase.
   I need to start packing, or at least decide what clothes I am going to bring. This will alleviate my stress levels some.  I need to also realize that even if I forget something I can more than likely just buy it while I am there. Communicating with other students has been a big help in making some decisions thus far, and I am excited to enjoy this experience with them. Hopefully, by my next blog I will be more organized because it will be almost time to depart! Below is a picture of the London study abroad group for 2014!
Front Row from left:  Jordan Staman of Crawford, NE; Jessica Orose of Rapid City, SD; Charlotte Carlson of Falcon, CO; Cierra Herrmann of Scottsbluff, NE;  Jamie Henry of Torrington, WY.  Back Row: Nick Yardley of Gordon, NE; Michaela Linders of Rushville, NE; Josh Keating of Romeoville, IL; Mary Miller of Saratoga, WY; Dr. Tracy Nobiling.  On video screen from Lander, WY, Chloe Titus.


  1. I can share you stress! I'm freaking out a little too, but I thought I would ease your mind a little on the outlet converter, I have one that we can all share, so don't worry about that part!
